Definition of Soda jerk

1. Noun. Someone who works at a soda fountain.

Exact synonyms: Soda Jerker
Generic synonyms: Counterman, Counterperson, Counterwoman

Definition of Soda jerk

1. Noun. (US idiomatic dated) A person who works at a soda fountain. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Soda Jerk

soda acid
soda ash
soda biscuit
soda bottle
soda bread
soda can
soda cellulose
soda counter
soda cracker
soda fountain
soda fountains
soda jerk
soda jerker
soda jerks
soda lake
soda lime
soda loading
soda lye
soda machine
soda niter
soda nitre
soda paper
soda pop
soda prairie
soda process
soda pulp

Literary usage of Soda jerk

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Okay, Girls by Helen Gilbert (2006)
"After Woolworth's, I got jobs as a waitress and soda jerk, and was not much ... The problem that I had as a soda jerk seemed to be that I was prone to give ..."

2. Free a Marine to Fight: Women Marines in World War II by Mary V. Stremlow (1996)
"If, for example, a woman was classified as a telephone operator and arrived at a post only to be assigned by the Gl as a soda jerk in the post exchange, ..."

3. Atlanta Alive!by Ann Carroll Burgess by Ann Carroll Burgess (2001)
"... with unexpected delights for gardeners and non-gardeners alike. tfff 1930s-era Barnes soda fountain comes complete with a jukebox and soda jerk on duty. ..."

4. Atlanta Alive!by Ann Carroll Burgess by Ann Carroll Burgess (2001)
"1930s-era Barnes soda fountain comes complete with a jukebox and soda jerk on duty. Every Day of Your Life is a 10-minute celebration of life and Coca- Cola ..."

5. Rediscovering America: Exploring the Small Towns of Virginia and Maryland by William J. Burnham, Mary K. Burnham (2002)
"She worked as a "soda-jerk" at Gaunt's Drug Store, started her career on the local radio station, and was buried in Shenandoah Memorial Cemetery after her ..."

6. Baseball Goes to War by William B. Mead (1998)
"McNutt issued a list of twentynine occupations—astrologer, bartender, dancing teacher, soda jerk, waiter—and said that men in those jobs should be drafted ..."

7. Baseball Goes to War by William B. Mead (1998)
"McNutt issued a list of twenty- nine occupations—astrologer, bartender, dancing teacher, soda jerk, waiter—and said that men in those jobs should be drafted ..."

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